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ITP: Rudi Fronk, CEO, Seabridge Gold (SEA.TO)

by Lobo Tiggre
Monday, May 27, 12:00pm, UTC, 2024

When Rudi Fronk volunteered to step In The Pit with me, frankly, I thought he was making a mistake. Seabridge’s KSM project has been sitting in the mountains of BC, undeveloped for decades. Even after getting its permits years ago, it’s still sitting there. Why on earth would anyone believe this time is different? Well, I asked him… see what you think of the answers.


Reminder: I do not accept payment from issuers. I do these interviews free of charge to cover stories of interest to my readers. These interviews should not be seen as recommendations or endorsements. I try to ask the hard questions any investor should ask, but it's up to each of us to give careful thought to what we make of the answers. (No arm-twisting, but we do cover companies I interview in My Take.)

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