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The Independent Speculator Talks Recession and Rate Cuts—A Month Before the Masses

by Lobo Tiggre
Tuesday, August 06, 12:00pm, UTC, 2024

Soar Financial's Kai Hoffhann interviewed me at Rick Rule's conference a month ago. I'm not sure why this interview didn't get published until now, but it's interesting that I was talking recession and rate cuts before yesterday's market meltdown forced the talking heads on mainstream financial media to address the same questions. This has implications not just for gold and silver, but industrial minerals and all commodities.




00:00 — Intro
01:29 — U.S. Economy and the Federal Reserve
04:06 — Economic Indicators and Recession Predictions
14:28 — Hard Landing and Economic Responses
25:06 — Commodities and Precious Metals
32:30 — Uranium Market and Geopolitical Implications
44:43 — Bullish Case for Gold
45:16 — Closing Remarks and Follow-up Information


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