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The Independent Speculator on Soar Financial: Inflation, Recession, Gold, and More

by Lobo Tiggre
Friday, August 26, 12:00pm, UTC, 2022

Soar Financial's Kai Hoffmann started this interview by asking me what I thought Powell might say today. I thought he'd try not to rock the boat, reiterating what he's already said. That's pretty much what he did, but his blunt manner seems to have rocked the boat anyway—despite PCE inflation coming in cooler in July (which would typically boost stocks). We also discussed the rising fear of the recession I already see shaping up as well as how to speculate accordingly. My favorites are gold, silver, uranium, and, when the time is right, oil, copper, and potentially more. Remember to keep the New Iron Curtain and increasing ESG requirements in mind. I tried to focus on practical guidance for resource investors rather than theoretical or political remarks. I hope you find this useful.



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