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Spotting Financial Red Flags

by Lobo Tiggre
Thursday, February 22, 12:00pm, UTC, 2024

A two-hour interview on reading financial statements might sound less fun than a visit to the dentist, but Resource Talks' Antonio Atanasov asked great questions in his usual, entertaining way. And the topic is vital to due diligence that separates rational speculation from simply gambling on stocks. Highly recommended.




00:00:00 — Important warning
00:00:58 — Should you even read financial statements?
00:04:26 — How important is analyzing the financial statements?
00:10:06 — What's the most important part of the official filings?
00:11:37 — What to look for in the cash flow statements?
00:15:05 — Which exploration expenses can be capitalized?
00:20:33 — What's "dollars/ounce"?
00:22:54 — What are good financial ratios for explorecos?
00:26:28 — How to know when a company is going to raise money?
00:32:24 — What's the first ratio to look for before a deeper research?
00:35:40 — How do I look at share-based payments?
00:40:31 — Is it better that management gets more cash or more shares?
00:45:57 — Where to find the compensation of the management team?
00:50:04 — How to analyze the capital structure?
00:52:52 — How to analyze the warrants?
00:56:42 — When is the right time to buy a stock?
00:58:42 — How to calculate dilution?
01:02:14 — What to look for in the MD&A?
01:03:11 — Is splitting expenses between groups good?
01:07:09 — What is a good management team?
01:12:52 — What are red flags in raising capital?
01:18:19 — Are flow-through shares always good?
01:22:51 — What's a good length of a warrant?
01:26:00 — How to calculate your own dilution on a stock?
01:28:52 — Are the financials everything to look at before buying a stock?
01:32:08 — What to look for in producing companies?
01:34:06 — Closing thoughts


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