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Feisty Interview: David Lin vs. The Independent Speculator

by Lobo Tiggre
Tuesday, September 10, 12:00pm, UTC, 2024

I know people often say such things, but this really is a great interview with David Lin. We started with Janet Yellen and the Kardashians and went uphill from there. If you ever wondered if David Lin is independent and sincere in his questioning or just a patsy for his guests, this interview answers the question. I contradicted him about one chart he showed—and he then contradicted what I was saying with another chart. This one below shows what I was remembering (please keep it in mind when you get to that part of the interview about silver, gold, and copper).



It's rare that an interview leaves me rethinking things. I hope it will provide you with hearty food for thought as well.




00:00 — Welcome
01:00 — Yellen: "No flashing red lights"
07:20 — Fed monetary policy outlook
11:40 — Slowing job openings
18:40 — Money supply
22:00 — Federal deficit
25:52 — Fighting inflation
29:55 — Copper
35:00 — Gold and silver
38:38 — Uranium


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